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Former CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin has filed for divorce from husband a year after leaving the network- which she claimed was 'dominated by men.' 
Baldwin, 43, married British film producer, James Fletcher, in 2018 after they met at a holiday party two years prior.

On Thursday, the former anchor filed for divorce in the Manhattan Supreme Court
She posted a statement on her Instagram announcing their decision, writing: 'After nearly five years of marriage, with love and respect, EvdEn eVE NaKliyaT James and I have decided to go our separate ways.

Our time time has been some of the most precious, EVDeN evE nAKliYat defining, and awakening years of my life. If you enjoyed this information and you would like to obtain more details pertaining to EvDeN eve NakliYAt kindly see the website. I wish him nothing but the best as he begins this new chapter.' 
She went on to say that there was 'nothing scandalous or salacious about this decision' and that they were 'simply two people who tried our best to make our union work, but ultimately realized our individual paths were taking us on different journeys...' 
'[It was] the healthiest thing for both of us to honor that,' she wrote.

'It is never easy to end a relationship with someone you love, but that does not always mean ending it is the wrong thing to do.