Featured: Black History - Lost, Stolen, or Strayed.

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From: Cameron
It was back during the summer of 1968, only months following the tragic assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr… The United States was beginning to come apart at the seems, with city after city being rocked by protests and riots. That’s when the CBS network aired the groundbreaking documentary “Black History: Lost, Stolen or Stayed,” narrated by none other than America’s favorite dad Dr. Huxtable: Bill Cosby. Nothing like the documentary had ever been touched on network television before, and arguably since. Cosby, for his part, was taking a big risk as he was the co-star of the popular shows “I Spy” back then. Just as he would later be embraced by many in White America, he was also then thought of as a “safe” African American, who wasn’t part of the ever-feared militant outrage against racism that was sweeping the nation back then. Nevertheless, the show was such a hit that its controversial nature didn’t harm the career of Bill Cosby one bit. In fact, CBS even re-broadcast the documentary only a month later, and just as many people tuned in for seconds.
3591 days ago


Nelson Mandela - The Freedom Struggle

Nelson Mandela - The Freedom Struggle

This video is a brief biography on Nelson Mandela.
