Featured: Counterfeit Gods

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From: ThePresident
Bio by Jefferson Bethke. Counterfeit Gods Info iTunes of poem (all proceeds going to local non profit*) - http://bit.ly/PVlmbb A must read book that inspired the poem - http://ow.ly/dr4Rp SPEAKING/SCHEDULING: I'd love to come to your area! Speaking forms are here: http://ow.ly/c9oJL MY INFO Facebook: http://ow.ly/bMEPU Twitter: http://ow.ly/bMEQd Site: http://ow.ly/bMERM Email: jeffersonbethke@gmail.com VIDEOGRAPHER INFO: Facebook: http://ow.ly/ctFhh Twitter: http://ow.ly/ctFeS Site: http://ow.ly/ctFea Email: matthew@cikproductions.com AUDIO PRODUCER INFO: Facebook: http://ow.ly/dr57o Twitter: http://ow.ly/dr57N Email: soundbreaker.musik@gmail.com We all worship something. Whatever we give our time, money, & energy too might not be our "verbal" savior but it is our "functional" savior. The question isn't "do" we worship, but "who" do we worship. This poem is me sharing about my journey to find that only Jesus truly satisfies. Everything else over promises & under delivers. Lyrics to poem: http://ow.ly/dr5hN Quote at the end is from this sermon: http://ow.ly/drdiX *The local non-profit is a college based ministry in Tacoma, Washington called For The King. You can check them out at Fortheking.tv. I'm a part of it and excited to see what it does when it launches this month (Sep 2012).
4508 days ago


Give A little Love

Give A little Love

Exceptional and touching video. It will move you.
