Featured: Brain Divided_ - by Josiah Haworthh-CGI Animated Short HD_

1 rating
From: ThePresident
Check out this incredibly well done CGI animated short film, by the talented Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song and Joon Soo Song! A guy meets a blind date in a restaurant and his brain goes into overdrive, with an epic struggle between the logical and inhibited left side and the emotional, impulsive right side. For more information about this short film please see the details and links below: Brain Divided Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BrainDivided http://legend20x.wix.com/josiahhaworth Josiah Haworth's Animation Reel: https://vimeo.com/63448192 Joon Soo Song's Animation Reel: https://vimeo.com/66196390 Joon Shik Song's Animation Reel: https://vimeo.com/66089657 "Brain Divided" Official Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/66771902 To learn more about the production of this film, visit: http://www.cartoonbrew.com/brewtv/bra... Interview with Jcubed - http://studentanimations.com/brain-di...
3673 days ago




A short film created by Danny Blackstock, Glen Cheng, Stephanie Bourgeois, and Melinda ...
