Featured: The Late and World Great Maya Angelou on Learnng

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From: ThePresident
Bio by Jay Fedigan I had the unbelievable opportunity to spend an afternoon with Maya Angelou at her home outside of Winston Salem while directing this video shoot of her. In this wonderful half hour video she quotes Poe, sings like Billie Holiday, shares moving stories from her life and reads "Still I Rise". I was there with Janice Molloy who was a producer at that time for Pegasus Communications. We put together the video for the Pegasus Conference whose focus that year was on learning. When we arrived at Maya Angelou's home for the shoot, she was welcoming, warm and funny. Before we could even think about work she had us all sitting in her kitchen drinking tea. She asked I had the unbelievable opportunity to spend an afternoon with Maya Angelou at her home outside of Winston Salem directing a video shoot. In this wonderful half hour video she quotes Poe, sings like Billie Holiday, shares moving stories from her life and reads "Still I Rise". I was there with Janice Molloy who was a producer at that time for Pegasus Communications. We put together the video for the Pegasus Conference whose focus that year was on learning. When we arrived for the shoot, she was welcoming, warm and funny. Before we could even think about work she had us all sitting in her kitchen drinking tea. She asked us all to tell her about ourselves and our families. Her responses and questions expressed her true interest in us. I've videotaped many famous people, actors, musicians, politicians, educators and business leaders but never experienced the warmth and interest she showed us that afternoon. I let the video run long at the end of the second clip. Don't miss this candid moment. If you have the time this is a half hour well spent.
3776 days ago


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Nelson Mandela - At the United Nations

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