Featured: Familiar Voices

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From: AntiSlave Alliance
Biography: FAMILIAR VOICES Produced by: LUCINDA LUVAAS I started working on this series of paintings in 1994. It was inspired by a desire to explore the essence of words and how they shape us – shape our image of ourselves. It started with phrases I’d heard in childhood and later developed into lines that others gave me: friends, associates and strangers. The phrases or “Familiar Voices” as I call them originate out of personal as well as societal attitudes and prejudices. For example, “We’re Keeping Up” or “We’re not Keeping Up” are societal, whereas “When are You Going to Grow Up” is personal. Some of the lines are a combination of personal and societal judgements. Our image of ourselves is based in part on verbal and visual stimuli. However, this information is not always accurate or truthful. Starting in Childhood, we make statements about each other that give us an impression of who we are, who we are as individuals and as people. One thing that intrigues me is that these accusations can function as a means of suppressing our individuality. For example, “Familiar Voices” like: “When Are You Going To Grow Up?” “What Will the Neighbours Think?” “Have You Considered Counselling?” or “You Take Life Too Seriously” certainly encourage one to “stay in the crowd” rather than to maintain one’s individuality. Humour is used to express the inanity, the ridiculousness of these judgements and expectations. Often the person doing the accusing and pointing the finger is the person who really has the problem. After completing the first thirty pieces, I wrote a script which included all the phrases I’d explored in the paintings. In the script, I’m exploring the music of the spoken word by using rhythm, repetition and voice level variations. The sound and visuals combined make “Familiar Voices” a multi-media installation piece. While the sound segment explores the text in the paintings, it also airs an ongoing argument about the importance of language and visual imagery: which is more important… the word or the image, the image or the word? In the end we’re left with knowing that they are both equally important in terms of shaping our impression of ourselves and the world in which we live. Currently I’m working on a film that combines the audio and visual – sound segment and the paintings. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION/ LUCINDA LUVAAS Lucinda Luvaas’s work is shown nationally and abroad. Her work is represented by Leigh Hamilton, Santa Monica, CA, Pascal/ Robinson, Houston, TX, and Space 12 Gallery, Boston, MA. She has exhibited in museums and universities in New York, California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and Arkansas and Canada. Although her primary medium is oil painting, she creates work in varied mediums including: Video electronic music for orchestra, gouache, acrylic, monotype, etching, painting wall sculpture, casein and murals. Her work has been the subject of magazine and television specials including “Good Morning America” CBS German TV, WNET-TV, NYC, Medium4 Cable TV, NYC, Challenger Productions, San Jacinto, CA and the San Diego Art Scene. Ms Luvaas has also been interviewed for a Sunday Special on National Public Radio and her work has been the subject of magazine articles including: Americana Magazine and Japanese Cosmopolitan. Her Videos has been aired on Time/ Warner Cable, NYC, AT&T cable, Chicago, About The Arts, Boston, KDOL/TV, Oakland, CA as well as other venues. She has taught studio painting and mural painting workshops at UCSD, Queens College, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, National University, Jo
7735 days ago




A short film created by Danny Blackstock, Glen Cheng, Stephanie Bourgeois, and Melinda ...
