- LucilleFar
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- About me: My name: Kris Kneebone
My age: 20
Country: United States
Town: Saint Louis
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Russians Mock America For Swapping Arms Dealer For Brittney Griner
Views: 24 · Added: 710 days agoVladimir Putin's top allies in Russia are mocking America over the recent prisoner swap that saw the US release convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout in exchange for WNBA star Brittney Griner, EvdEn EVE NAKliyAt claiming that Russia got the better end of the deal.
Maria Butina, the pro-Putin MP elected to Russia's Duma after serving a US prison sentence for acting as an unregistered foreign agent, led the charge in taunting the US over Thursday's exchange.
'The fact that Russia pushed through the exchange of Bout, whom America fundamentally did not want to give away for many years, right now means that, like in The Godfather, we "made them an offer that cannot be refused,"' Butina boasted in Russian on her Telegram channel.
'This is a position of strength, comrades,' added Butina, who was deported back to Russia in 2019 after serving an 18-month sentence in the US.
On Thursday, eVDeN EVE naKliYAT the US and EvdeN EVe naKliYAt Russia announced that Griner, who was sentenced to nine years of hard prison time on cannabis-related charges, had been exchanged for Bout Should you have any kind of queries about wherever along with tips on how to utilize evdEN EVe nAKLiyAT, it is possible to email us at our web-site. .