Featured: Ralph Bunche (1904-1971)

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From: ThePresident
1949: Returns to the United States from Palestine, walking to the camera with wife and child to Bunche's left. Shakes hands with Trygve Lie, Speaks (sound) shaking hands with Lie. At dinner about Palestine problem, crowd shot, Bunche and Mrs. Roosevelt, crowd, Bunche shaking hands, He speaks. (sound). 1950: Interior United Nations, Bunche is congratulated by colleagues on receiving Nobel Prize. 1955: Opening International Art Show at United Nations, crowds looking at exhibits, Bunche cuts tape to officially open show, Art displayed by various nations, people walking around viewing art. At United Nations, group, Bunche in center, man to right of picture is Nehru.
3482 days ago


Nelson Mandela - The Freedom Struggle

Nelson Mandela - The Freedom Struggle

This video is a brief biography on Nelson Mandela.
